Understanding The Net-Metered Solar Energy Bill
Oakridge Energy Pvt Ltd


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  • Understanding The Net-Metered Solar Energy Bill
December 27, 2019

Understanding The Net-Metered Solar Energy Bill

A view of BSES Rajdhani and Yamuna electricity bills offer a clear understanding of how solar energy is accounted in a net-metered system. Please refer to the picture above, a sample electricity bill for one of our residential clients in South Delhi (with name and address blacked out for convenience).

  • Right at the top is the sanctioned load – this is the total load that the customer has applied for.
  • The MDI (maximum demand indicator) – of the sanctioned load, the maximum load that the customer has actually used in a month. (PS – aside tip, if your MDI is significantly lower than your sanctioned load consistently, you can have your sanctioned load reduced, thereby saving on your fixed charges
  • The meter type – 3PSK – this is a 3 phase meter. The capacity of the solar plant (15.4 kW) is also indicated.
  • The tariff category – residential
  • Total solar generation units – the total generation is expressed in KWH. For the month of February (one of the lean months in the year), this 15.4 kW system generated 1553 units. This is an excellent generation for a month that is typically cloudy and relatively low in a generation.
  • The net meter consumption details – this section indicates the units exported and imported vis-a-vis the grid. The bill indicates that while 6081 units have been imported (that is, have been procured from the grid), 85 units have been exported to the grid.

Thus, the customer is billed as a net consumption of only 5996 units. A common question by clients is – if only 85 units have been exported into the grid, what happened to the balance 1553 units? The answer is simple – consumption of the balance units has taken place in the home itself. The units are “exported” into the grid only if, at the instant of generation, the units are not consumed in the same connection. For any further questions on your net meter and to obtain benefits of a solar rooftop, please contact us now!

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